Environmental Survey

Environmental Survey Services

Environmental survey consists in determination of the species composition and, in most cases, also the number and distribution of found taxa from the studied group.

Dendrological survey (vegetation survey) consists in determining the exact location of trees and shrubs in the field along with the necessary measurements. The result is an accurate quantitative and list of species found in the area.

As-built monitoring is a planned series of natural or environmental studies aimed at verifying the actual impact of the investment after its creation or aimed at assessing the functionality and effectiveness of planned minimizing or compensatory actions.

Ornithological and chiropterological monitoring is the basic work carried out to determine the possibility of risk associated with the planned investment, which may affect both birds and bats.

Natural valuation aims to determine the natural values of a given area along with the indication of valuable natural elements.

CRM, or collision risk modeling, is used to estimate the probability of animals colliding with obstacles.

Identification of potential habitats through modelling.

Environmental screening is a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of an investment in terms of its potential impact on the environment. It consists in a preliminary analysis of available materials supplemented with data from field research. 

It is an indispensable document in the process of obtaining a permit for felling trees, assessing the impact of investments on the natural environment and valuation of areas. It is useful for obtaining the environmental consent decision and very important for the estimation of works. It is performed to determine the number of trees and shrubs interfering with the project and requiring felling or trimming.