Natural, environmental and dendrological supervision
Natural, Environmental and Dendrological Supervision Services
These are activities aimed at restoring the natural balance in a given area and compensating for damage caused to the environment by implementing the project and preserving landscape values. They are a decisive element of the possibility of implementing a given investment.
It is an indispensable document in the process of obtaining a permit for felling trees, assessing the impact of investments on the natural environment and valuation of areas. It is useful for obtaining the environmental consent decision and very important for the estimation of works. It is performed to determine the number of trees and shrubs interfering with the project and requiring felling or trimming.
Carrying out intervention activities at the construction site in terms of animals’ presence. Obtaining permits for the relocation of protected animals and plants, supervision over relocations, derogations.
Control and documentation activities carried out during the implementation of the investment. They include coordination and verification of the protection against contamination, verification of compliance of documents related to waste management, as well as participation in locating construction site facilities, storage and material bases and equipment.
Control and documentation activities carried out during the implementation of the investment. Their purpose is to control the works carried out in the tree protection zone, to help meet the requirements set out in the Ordering Party’s arrangements and other legal acts in the field of vegetation, so that the Contractor can carry out construction works without delay. The service includes the Investor’s support in securing the vegetation to remain and its adaptation. This ensures the security of the investment and protects against possible penalties and delays.
Control and documentation activities carried out during the implementation of the investment by naturalists of various specializations. Its aim is to help meet the requirements of the environmental consent decision and legal acts, preventing delays in implementation and criminal or administrative liability due to failure to comply with these guidelines.
Obtaining a derogation, i.e., consent to derogate from the prohibitions applicable to protected plant and animal species specified in the Nature Conservation Act.